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Made On What I Know: Find Your Serenity, Reclaim Your Life, And Pursue Your Goals After Domestic Violence
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Are you a survivor of domestic violence who has broken free from the cycle of domestic violence, and you’re trying to rebuild your life, but you feel lost because you don’t know where to begin? This book is for you.


Remember, rebuilding your life after domestic violence takes time and patience. It's important to give yourself grace and celebrate small victories along the way.  

In this book you will quickly discover...

In this book, you will quickly discover to release the pain and hurt from the domestic violence relationship that you have been carrying with you for far too long, and you will gain the strength and courage that you need to move forward with your life. With the help of God, you can overcome the aftereffects of domestic violence, and this book will show you how to tap into the power and wisdom of the Lord to find the peace and happiness that you deserve.

Through the pages of this book, you will discover how to break free from the obstacles of domestic violence.  You will also learn from the trauma that you have experienced and how to rebuild your confidence.

This is a road map for women survivors of domestic violence to reclaim their lives by finding peace, rediscovering themselves, achieving their goals, and creating the lives they desire.

The 5 Most Important Tips:

  1. Learn how to trust in God's plan and surrender your worries and fears to Him.
  2. Develop a daily spiritual practice that will strengthen your connection with God.
  3. Build a support system of individuals who believe in you and support your goals during your journey toward healing and recovery. 
  4. Learn how to take time to rediscover yourself, your confidence, and your strengths by helping others.  
  5. Set powerful goals by creating a list of short-term goals that are achievable and meaningful to your current situation. Once accomplished, gradually learn how to work towards achieving your long-term goals such as obtaining your higher education, or pursuing a career path that interests you.  

"The way to be delivered from the after-effects of Domestic Violence is with God's love and guidance."

Janelle Hunt
Author of "Made On What I Know: Find My Serenity, Reclaim My Life, and Pursue My Goals After Domestic Violence!!"

"Once you have forgiven, nothing will stop you from experiencing the blessings God has in store for your life."

Janelle Hunt
Author of "Made On What I Know: Find My Serenity, Reclaim My Life, and Pursue My Goals After Domestic Violence!!"

"Purify yourself from the inside out so that you can emerge into the woman God has called you to be."

Janelle Hunt
Author of "Made On What I Know: Find My Serenity, Reclaim My Life, and Pursue My Goals After Domestic Violence!!"

About the author

Janelle Hunt is a native of Wilmington, Delaware, but she relocated in October 2012 to the Alexandria, V.A., area to build a career in IT security. Janelle later became a governance, risk, and compliance (CGRC) specialist to enhance her marketability in the IT security arena and worked as an IT security analyst for a leading Fortune 500 company. In 2020 Janelle moved back to her hometown of Wilmington, Delaware, to serve as a full-time caregiver for her mother. In January 2023, Janelle recently became a federal employee as an IT Specialist. 

Janelle is a proud daughter, sister, aunt to a nephew and two nieces, and godmother to two. Ms. Hunt is passionate about encouraging women of all ethnicities, and this passion was ignited when she obtained her undergraduate degree in women’s studies from the University of Delaware. Ms. Hunt feels that in our daily lives, there are always opportunities to encourage women – at the office, while shopping, at lunch, at church, and the list goes on. From giving a simple uplifting word to providing a listening ear, Janelle knows that just showing you care can make all the difference. Along the way, Janelle never gave up when she was faced with trials and tribulations; she remained steadfast with the help of Jesus Christ. Through it all, she continues to inspire women, and she shares her testimony with any woman who needs to be enlightened on the goodness of Jesus. Her message is to “walk by faith, not by sight,” and she encourages women when she shares this scripture: 

 “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up”. 


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